258 results total, viewing 41 - 60
Giving Tuesday was on Nov. 28 this year, and it was a rough one. Rough, of course, is a relative term. Giving Tuesday 2023 raised an estimated $3.1 billion in donations to nonprofits, according … more
My second total knee replacement is now behind me, whew! I am still engaged in a rigorous rehabilitation schedule and glad to be out of the acute recovery phase. I so appreciate living in our … more
For most of my 30-year career as a professional (I use the term loosely) chef, it was a rare occasion for my wife, Lisa, and I to attend a social function together. Both of us worked in restaurants … more
Ask 10 people what they think about guns. You might get 10 different answers. Gun ownership is a fundamental right. We need stricter regulation. There are too many guns. There aren't enough. … more
Potter Bob Arnoldy has created a treasure in Linden Hills with his curbside pottery grotto. He explains the concept of the grotto and how the community has embraced it. Q: So, tell us what pottery in … more
When I heard that Dial Tone was having an album release party at The Cedar Cultural, I was like, “What? Didn’t these kids just meet? How can they have an album already? And how can they … more
Power is generated: electric power, community power, people power. This past August, a delegation of fifteen Minnesotans visited the island of Puerto Rico to learn from communities on the frontlines … more
Everyone has a voice. But not every voice gets heard today. This isn't a new problem.  My grandma and grandpa on my dad's side were both first-generation Mexican-Americans who grew up in … more
HERE’S MY MEDICARE STORY. WHAT’S YOURS? This is a time during fall to make changes in one’s Medicare plan. I am making my way through my seventh year of retirement and enrolled … more
This question rose again in my latest meeting with two prospective buyers: “When is the housing market going to calm down?” “It seems like it’s been crazy for three years … more
The concept of wellness has ancient origins rooted in Greek, Roman, Indian, Native, and Chinese cultures. It was, and is, a belief that an integrated approach to one’s health and well-being … more
I am reading an excellent book. It is called "Until We Reckon" and was written by Danielle Sered, the executive director of Common Justice , a unique program in New York City that offers alternatives … more
“Throughout the country and across the globe, a new type of street band movement is emerging — outrageous and inclusive, brass and brash, percussive and persuasive — reclaiming … more
The City of Minneapolis is perpetuating a humanitarian crisis against our neighbors who cannot afford housing. We are all witnesses to the tragedy. Instead of enacting common sense programs to … more
'Nonviolence is the most effective method to work for rights.' The only constant is change. Life either gets better or worse. These days, the world is on fire. Metaphorically and literally. And … more
I attended National Night Out on Aug. 1. It was great! At this annual event, my block gathers a couple dozen people for a mix of burgers, brats, and salads. The adults catch up on each other’s … more
Interest rates were 3% in August of 2021; today, it’s hard to find a rate below 7%.   To a lot of people, that is the whole story. The thinking goes like this:    … more
There are only four things that are essential to keep our bodies alive. We need oxygen so we can breathe, water so we are hydrated, food so we are nourished, and sleep so we can function. Sleep plays … more
We have a crisis. Mental health issues for young people are skyrocketing, and the need for mental health treatment is not being met. According to the National Library of Medicine, nearly 20 percent … more
“Four years ago, I realized we needed a model for an urban CSA,” says Craig Neal, founder and chief gardener of the Neighborhood Sponsored Garden (NSG) located in a backyard on Beard Ave. … more
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