I attended National Night Out on Aug. 1. It was great! At this annual event, my block gathers a couple dozen people for a mix of burgers, brats, and salads. The adults catch up on each other’s …
By Eddie Glenn
I’ve been fasting for 19 days per year towards the end of winter every year for over 10 years. As long as the sun is up, I don’t eat or drink anything. This practice is surprising to most …
By Eddie Glenn
My children and I tested positive for COVID-19 about a week before Thanksgiving, which meant we had to miss a larger family gathering that my in-laws were hosting. We made the best of it on …
By Eddie Glenn
I have always been a longform type of guy. I usually don’t bother with Twitter and stuff like that. I find life too complex, communication too subtle. Catch phrases serve political candidates …
Eddie Glenn, East Harriet neighborhood