Mar 8, 2024: GINA & KAREN


Karen Binkowski of the Southwest Business Association (left) and Gina Rautenberg of the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council are excited about plans to reinvigorate local businesses and get people out more to boost the local economy.

Our next “Let’s Connect” is with Lee Syndergaard on Friday, May 3, 11 a.m. to noon at The Eloise at Wirth on the Woods, our presenting sponsor. He’ll be sharing tips on simplifying your life, starting with your home. Does the thought of downsizing and moving overwhelm you? Then you’ll want to attend this event. Let us know if you want to sponsor an upcoming event or have ideas for speakers.

With many organizational budgets being slashed, businesses and residents need to band together to thrive. Gina Rautenberg and Karen Binkowski are leading by example.
Rautenberg is the executive director of the Linden Hills Neighborhood Council, and Binkowsi is the manager of business development and marketing for the Southwest Business Association. They got connected earlier this year for the first time and were immediate kindred spirits. Now, ideas are flowing back and forth, especially with the climate for local businesses today in southwest Minneapolis and Linden Hills.
“It’s still tough,” Binkowski said during her “Let’s Connect” event with Rautenberg on March 8, 2024. “It depends on the business and where it’s located. They’re still struggling a bit with having people come out and shop because I think they’re used to shopping a lot online still. Just as much of an issue for them is all of the road construction that’s going on and how that impedes, with lack of parking and with residents and visitors not understanding what is available to shop in. It’s something actually that Gina and I have been talking about and working on together.”
They are excited about their plans to reinvigorate local business and get people out more to boost the local economy.
“One of the things that Karen and I connected on is there’s going to be a pretty large closure of the primary intersection [at 43rd and Upton Ave. in Linden Hills] beginning in May and continuing for at least 10 weeks, if not longer into the summer. And so that’s going to be really, really challenging for local businesses who already have a parking challenge here,” Rautenberg said. “Karen and I had talked about that a few weeks ago, and we shared a plan that the council has been coming up with to do a sort of an online campaign to encourage non-car activity into and out of Linden Hills during this closure. There will be a QR code at each of the individual businesses that they can scan to enter into a giveaway for gift cards and other prizes if they have not taken a car to get into Linden Hills. 
“Karen and I have been speaking on that and trying to figure out how we could fund it to ensure that the businesses that are already burdened by this closure aren’t also responsible for the gift cards that we’ll be getting away. So we want to make sure that this is something that’s just a net benefit to them even despite of kind of the real challenge of the street closure that they’ll be facing.” 
The Southwest Business Association will be sponsoring the Walk, Bike, Roll to Linden Hills initiative financially and then also helping to execute it by working with the small businesses. 
“For the business association, this is a direction we’re really excited to take,” said Binkowski. “In the past, especially with the funding that we’re able to secure through the city, it generally has to be spent on individual businesses. And we are seeing a need to work on marketing our nodes. So these major shopping intersections, and this is the perfect opportunity to try something where we can use some of our funding to support this initiative and see how this helps with the loss of traffic and help them generate sales.” 
This is just one of the many ways neighborhoods and businesses can work together. Collaboration and creative thinking, Rautenberg and Binkowski both agree, are vital going forward.
“We’re we’re designed to support the businesses, the neighborhood associations are designed to sort of support the residents, but really you know it’s the same thing in our opinion,” explained Binkowski. “You need both to survive so the direction for sure going forward is a lot more partnership and sharing of resources.”
Rautenberg is excited about the possibilities and what the community can accomplish when everyone works together.
“It does feel like there’s a lot of potential for each of those links,” said Rautenberg. “If we aren’t all in a partnership together, if any of those links break, it could be really, really difficult for us to pull off really solid community building work in our neighborhood. But right now I do feel like there is a real spirit of collaboration and partnership because so many budgets are being slashed everywhere that everybody’s sort of like, what can we do to all stay connected with one another and to make sure that things don’t get lost. It’s a really solid way to turn this from a challenge into an opportunity.” 
Today, the Southwest Business Association has about 120 business members. Their goal is to add 50 more businesses. It’s $195 a year, or $17 a month. With that, you get support from Binkowski. You get support from their board. You get access to all of their education resources and no cost opportunities, like grants. The more members they have, the more work they can do. 
“I just hope that we can grow the profile of these associations as nonprofits and that we’re here to support the community, we’re here to support the residents and our businesses,” summed up Binkowski. “And I’m just really excited for what we’re gonna be able to do in the future.”
They can’t do it alone.
“I agree 100 percent,” said Rautenberg. “In terms of the neighborhood associations and Southwest Business Association, sort of every organization is undergoing a lot of budget cuts right now. So the funding is really tight. It’s becoming a massive challenge. And so what we’re really trying to talk about as folks offer us ideas is to say, thank you for the idea. Will you also help us execute? That’s a much bigger ask. We recognize that not everyone is in a position to do that, but I do think the work of creating and sustaining and building a community does require everyone to get involved. There are so many fantastic ideas out there.”
Watch the full interview by Eric Ortiz with Karen Binkowski and Gina Rautenberg at by clicking here


Minneapolis is filled with great local people doing great things in the world. The Southwest Connector will showcase them with "Let's Connect," a new community speakers series.

The Southwest Connector will feature an interesting local resident to talk about their work and life in Minneapolis quarterly. Southwest Connector owner/editor Tesha M. Christensen and Southwest Connector columnist Eric Ortiz will moderate the conversation and take questions from the audience.

"Let's Connect" will take place on the first or second Friday of a month, from 9-10 a.m., at Everett & Charlie, an art gallery in the Linden Hills neighborhood of Minneapolis. Sometimes the event may be held at a sponsored location and the time may change. Be sure to check this web page for up-to-date details or our Google calendar.

The goal of "Let's Connect" is to celebrate great locals, support their work, and build community.

The "Let's Connect" speaker series is free and open to the public. All are welcome to join us. Food and drinks will be provided.

Let us know if you are interested in being a sponsor or speaker for Let's Connect.


Does the thought of downsizing and moving overwhelm you?

On his LinkedIn profile, Lee Syndegaard of Gentle Transitions shares his mission statement: "Positive Impact"

Living out my mission daily, in my personal and professional life, means:
- Bringing positive energy to interactions (staff and customer meetings, looking people in the eye, empathetic listening, etc.)
- Going above and beyond to help my co-workers and customers be successful in meeting their stated objectives
- Living an active and healthy life. When I take care of myself, I can then take care of those I work with, and for
- Making good decisions as a husband and father

When: Friday, May 3, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Where: The Eloise at Wirth on the Woods (2850 North Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis, MN 55405)

What: Conversation with Lee Syndergaard, followed by Q&A with audience

Who: Southwest Connector columnist Eric Ortiz will moderate

Why: To celebrate great local people in Minneapolis doing great things, promote their work, support local journalism, and strengthen our community

The Southwest Connector is excited to welcome Lee Syndergaard to "Let's Connect," our monthly community speaker series, on Friday, May 3, 2024. 

Syndergaard is the regional director of marketing at Gentle Transitions, a nationally recognized pioneer in moving seniors, focusing on the often overwhelming issues older adults and their families may face when making a move.

In this talk, "Does the Thought of Downsizing and Moving Overwhelm You?", Syndergaard will discuss his work with Gentle Transitions and share tips on simplifying your life, starting with your home. Gentle Transitions has assisted thousands of Twin Cities adults with their moves since 1990.

Let's Connect with Lee Syndergaard is on Friday, May 3, at 11 a.m. at The Eloise at Wirth on the Woods (2850 North Wayzata Blvd., Minneapolis , MN 55405). Southwest Connector columnist Eric Ortiz will moderate the conversation and take questions from the audience.

After the program ends, you can tour The Eloise Apartments.

Please RSVP and join us