Park Board levy up 5.4%


At their Dec. 6 meeting, the Board of Commissioners adopted a 2023 Budget for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) that focuses on building safer communities, caring for park assets, protecting the environment, and serving the youth of Minneapolis.
The 2023 budget totals $142 million, including $99.8 million for the general operating fund, $15.7 million for the enterprise operating fund, $1.9 million for the special revenue fund and $24.8 million for capital project funding. The budget utilizes the maximum 5.4 percent tax levy approved by the Board of Estimate and Taxation in September.
The MPRB’s 5.4 percent property tax increase will result in an estimated annual increase in property taxes of $24 for the owner of a median-value $319,000 house due to growth in the tax base.
The adopted budget maintains current service levels, including $260,000 to support the MPRB’s 2021 six-year arrangement with the city for the historic $2.6 million youth investment that began in 2022 and an estimated $449,000 to offset the State of Minnesota Local Government Aid (LGA) funding decrease due to the current legislative session ending without passage of a new tax bill. The budget includes $389,000 for system equity investment largely due to the introduction and activation of parks within the downtown service area and regional park system. This investment would provide for increased safety and security with an investment in sworn officers and non-sworn agents.
Additional board-approved amendments include reallocation of funds within the $142 million budget to provide for: Minnehaha Falls Regional Park security cameras; additional canoe/kayak racks and sailboat buoys at Lake Nokomis and Bde Maka Ska; Loring Park Pickleball Courts; and the hiring of a full-time Natural Resources Technician.
The budget supports the MPRB’s commitment to strategic long-term planning. It signifies the first budget year under the guidance of the 2023-2026 Strategic Directions, Performance Goals, and Priority Comprehensive Plan Strategies adopted by the Board in May 2022. The five strategic directions are: act boldly for our climate; cultivate each community’s place and honor cultural traditions in Minneapolis parks; implement quality youth and intergenerational programs; care for park assets to meet evolving needs and practices; and steward our natural resources.


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