With the November and December holidays arriving soon, how do you intend to remain balanced and mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy? As a holistic health coach, this topic comes up often in my client sessions this time of year. Through knowing yourself and making mindful, empowered, authentic choices, this could be your best holiday season ever!
Be yourself
For many of us, this is a time to connect with friends and family through traditional celebrations. Yet, each person we encounter, especially ourselves, are not the same person we used to be. As we embody wisdom gained through new experiences, conversations, books or podcasts, our beliefs and perspectives shift. Be open to sharing what excites, delights, and inspires you and encourage others to do the same. Embrace opportunities to be authentic. Avoiding being put in a box by people who knew an earlier version of you can be so liberating. Likewise, listen deeply with curiosity as others share their various points of view. Be kind and respectful to yourself and others. Mindset matters. When you give yourself permission to be your best self, you invite others to do the same.
Pace yourself
Take care of yourself. This includes making time to be alone, setting good boundaries, moving your body, healthy eating and drinking, and getting enough rest and sleep. Be mindful of how you spend your resources of time, energy, and money. Avoid overspending and overwhelm. Expect the unexpected and remain flexible. Keep the parts of your routine that matter the most to you. Be open to spontaneity. If your inner critic comes up and judges yourself or another harshly, notice and take a few deep breaths. Is this an old tape playing in your thoughts that is outdated and needs to be released? Do you need to slow down, say no to some invitations? Taking time to reflect during your workout, a conversation with a friend, a walk around the lake, or sitting quietly at home can be priceless. You got this!
Enjoy yourself
Know your priorities and what counts the most to you. Is one of your delights buying the perfect gift? Go for it. If not, a gift card, cash or sharing an experience works, too. Is cooking a way you say I love you during the holidays? Fantastic, your friends and family say thank you. Is connecting and quality time your favorite? Create events to satisfy your heart’s desire. If giving of your time and service lights you up, volunteer away. There are many opportunities in our amazing community. Enjoy sharing your feelings of appreciation? Sending a card, text, email, or making a phone call can enhance your holiday activities. If cuddling is your thing, be sure to give an extra squeeze to those furry friends, little ones and loved ones in your life. Be mindful of your preferences, gifts, talents, and passions. Honor the diversity of these same qualities among your family and friends.
Gift yourself
Practicing gratitude can positively contribute to your health and well-being throughout the year. Spend a bit of extra time during these often busy days to focus on what you are grateful for. Take a few minutes in the morning or evening to focus on aspects of your life that bring you joy. Linger for a few extra seconds in appreciation throughout the day as you notice random acts of kindness you observe, receive, or offer. Spend one minute a day simply noticing the beauty around you with all five senses: what you are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching. When you find yourself disappointed or discouraged, tend to what needs attention and remind yourself of all the gifts in your life. Only you can choose what you focus on and how you respond to life’s circumstances. Set an intention that you flow through the opportunities that present themselves to you during this holiday season with confidence and ease.
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